The Game: Tactical Pets & $STEAK

Tiger Toonz
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

Minting and holding an NFT is great, but it’s no match when put up against a gamified experience.

The Breakdown

The first collection of 10,000 Tactical Tigers will be the genesis collection that serves as the gateway to everything planned in our roadmap. One of which, will be Tactical Pets and the gamification of it.

Holders of the genesis collection will eventually have the right to mint a Tactical Pet for free and will earn $STEAK just by holding the genesis NFT.

Tactical Pets

Q: Can I evolve my Tactical Pet?
A: All pets when minted will be bare. With the use of $STEAK and in-game items, you will then be able to enhance your Tactical Pet into its final form with all traits fulfilled.

Q: Will my Tactical Pets also be able to earn $STEAK?
A: As mentioned above, $STEAK can be earned purely by holding the genesis NFT but it can also be earned if you mint a Tactical Pet and complete daily quests with it.

Q: What’s the difference between Jungle Tactical Pets and Urban Tactical Pets?
A: From a utility aspect they will be identical. However, both will have different aesthetic traits to match the theme of the respective options. Having two different groups of pets will also potentially create the opportunity for group vs. group battles.



Tiger Toonz

Tigers built to revolutionize NFT gaming on the blockchain